Sunday, August 7, 2011

You win some, you loose some

They say it takes a few years for fruit trees to produce fruit but out peach tree was full last year not long after planting it. Our 3rd attempt at a fig tree may be ready this year. It is out 3rd attempt because our dogs ate the others, apparently fig leaves are delicious.
Unfortunately it looks like the bugs ate most of or peaches this year.  Hopefully they are distracted enough that they will not get the figs.

Urban Jungle

A few things I have learned in the garden this year.

1. Research organic pesticide early in the season next year.
2. When the purple string beans are ripe pick them and eat them DO NOT wait until cherry tomatoes are ripe so you can put it all together for a specific recipe.
3. Join the CSA next year, the backyard will never produce as much as the bi weekly pickup.