I am desperately trying to keep this stag horn fern alive. It looks really nice against the beautiful brick wall.
I wasn't exaggerating, she really does love the bathroom. Though I think everyone in the house is equally impressed. This morning we noticed dog paw prints on the shower pan.
The tub is not getting too much use during the 90 degree days of summer but it still looks pretty.
The sink is in! Audrey has been a big fan of the bathroom throughout the construction process. My parents were kind enough to buy us the mirror as an early anniversary gift.
Drew's newest creation.
The new creation moved into it's home.. under the triceratops (jealous?!)
The story of the bathroom began with a very small bathroom and an office. Once grad school was finished so was the need for a room to house a desk. Actually the story started before that, with plans to build an upper level roof deck. Once we realized that we would need to buy a new roof before putting a deck on top of our current roof Drew proposed the idea of the new bathroom. The tiny upstairs bathroom was always a downer, with its custom mini tub that no one over the age of 10 could bath in.
Please note the luxurious feature of being able to sit on the toilet while washing hands. Goodbye teeny tiny bathroom.